Q3 launches iAM e-learning platform

Q3 has launched a new e-learning platform in collaboration with iAM Learning, to deliver a wide range of statutory and mandatory training courses to its administrative and operational staff.

As the majority of Q3 people work remotely across the UK, an online platform offers the most flexible way to ensure the company can deliver standard practices and training efficiently, consistently, and at scale, thus ensuring compliance needs are met across the workforce.

iAM Learning contains over 300 online courses covering a wide range of not only mandatory courses spanning subjects such as Health and Safety, COSHH, PPE and manual handling, but also voluntary training modules that can support individuals in their personal and professional development.

The learning platform lets users set their own pace and undertake learning on desktop or mobile apps, in a way that suits them, and at a time that suits them. iAM Learning has been chosen because of its extensive use of videos and imagery, making content simple and easy to follow, when used in conjunction with supporting written material.

Line managers can monitor the progress of their direct reports and are trained to provide the necessary support to help individuals to complete the training. Once individuals exceed the benchmark score for any particular module, they receive a certificate confirming successful completion.

Speaking at the launch of the iAM Learning project, Lucy Hayes HR Director, said, ”One of Q3’s core values is ‘Quality People’, and with workforce numbers increasing almost daily, the time was right time to ramp up our investment in people skills, by rolling out this highly adaptable and effective, online resource”.

Audrius Gricius – Apprentice Profile

We’re in conversation with Audrius Gricius, who works as a Controller/CCTV operator at The Square retail shopping centre contract in Camberley. Audrius is enrolled in a team leader/supervisor apprenticeship programme.

What have you learnt so far from this apprenticeship?

So far, I have gained better understanding of the role and responsibilities of a team leader/supervisor, as well as the importance of effective communication between different departments within our operation.

What have you enjoyed about this apprenticeship?

Since starting my apprenticeship, I have enjoyed learning new skills and acquiring knowledge to help me in my current role. I have found the apprenticeship challenging, however the support I received from my tutor Colin Ripley to be very helpful and valuable to my progression and development.

What do you hope the apprenticeship will do for you?

I had hoped that the apprenticeship would develop me with the necessary skills and knowledge to become a better person and a great team leader in my current role. I have seen from my lessons and the apprenticeship that I am confidently embedding this into my role. My next hope is that I achieve a supervisor’s position upon completion.

Welcome to Q3 Punam!

Punam Neupane has joined Q3 as Finance Assistant with responsibility for the hard services part of our business. Punam started on the first working day of 2024, so is celebrating simultaneously not only the start of an exciting new job but also a New Year!

She is looking to develop her career in finance and in parallel with her role at Q3, is studying ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) qualifications through distance learning and anticipates sitting her exams in the coming months.

When not at the Q3 office with her head in the finance books, Punam is busy with her family but also finds time for running using the Strava activity tracking app. As any good accountant will tell you, if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it!

Festive thoughts from the MF of FM

As Christmas fast approaches and a New Year beckons, CEO Martyn Freeman shares his thoughts on Q3’s 2023, and all that lies ahead.

“The Festive season is fast approaching and before we can blink it will be 2024. It doesn’t seem that long ago since last December when I was reflecting on the impending 5th anniversary of the founding of Q3. I remember thinking at that time that such a lot has happened in five years and as I look back on the last twelve months, the pace has not relented.

“At this time of the year, in business and in my life outside work, I always find time to reflect on things. The routine slows down to suit the mood of the season and I find it’s a good time to look back on the progress and achievements of one year and give a nod to the challenges that lie ahead on the “to-do” list in the New Year.

“One thought that struck me as I reminisced, is that although Q3 has grown rapidly to be an established FM business with a turnover of over £20million, we still haven’t lost our roots. We have stuck to running the business based on our Q3 core values – Quality People, Quality Service, Quality Workplaces.

“I’m pleased that we haven’t sold out on those original values or diluted them in any way, and simply continued pursuing the same approach we started with. We still prioritise looking after our people because, like night follows day, we realise we just cannot deliver the quality service and the quality workplaces without them.

“And our people have not had an easy time of it. Let’s face it, with the cost-of-living crisis and everything else that’s going on, it’s been a tough year for everyone. This year, we introduced some new people initiatives including the “Daisy” platform, with its inbuilt wellbeing advice centre, staff recognition system and retail discounts for staff. We launched a new bereavement policy, and our new e-learning platform goes live imminently. As we grow and aim to reach our next milestone, we need to be investing in all the right things to support and reinforce our people and realise our individual and collective goals.

“We’ve always believed that talking to people is the best way to run a business and that includes not only staff but also clients and suppliers. Even simple things like conducting client satisfaction surveys by TEAMS rather than faceless online tick-box surveys, make a difference. I’m pleased to say that we continue to pursue a face-to-face approach whenever possible, at every level of the organisation. As we grow, it will be a challenge to retain the personal touch and keep things simple, but it is something I am desperate we should not lose.

“We operate an open and transparent way of trading and continue to build a sustainable business model – not just sustainable in the “green” sense but creating a sustainable business with longevity that provides stability to the people who work for us. We continue to bid selectively, choosing to work with clients who appreciate the value of the service we provide and who also share the same culture and values. I am pleased to announce that we have another new significant contract about to land, which we hope to announce officially during the New Year.

“Let me take this opportunity to wish all our suppliers, partners, client and employees a very happy and peaceful time over the festive period and the very best wishes for a successful and prosperous 2024.”

Josh Marodeen – Apprentice Profile

We’re in conversation with Josh Marodeen, who currently works as a cleaner at the Q3 contract with Specsavers in Whiteley in Hampshire and has shown a keen interest to develop a career in business development.

To pursue his ambition, Josh now balances a dual role arrangement, sharing his time cleaning with Specsavers as well as working part-time as a business development apprentice with Q3. To help him in his business development role, Josh is pursuing a Sales Executive level 4 Business Standard Apprenticeship at Fareham college.

What have you learnt so far from this apprenticeship?

I have currently been on this apprenticeship since April 2023, and I have learnt a lot more information about sales and the corporate side of the FM business sector. I have been involved in some site visits for potential tenders, which I found to be extremely interesting, because it gave me an insight the variety of different organisations in which FM operates. I have also developed my interactive skills as I had to work with a range of stakeholders to complete tenders and build relationships with potential and existing clients. The apprenticeship and the support I get from my manager and team has made more confident to be more in the practical elements of the processes and decisions that I make to be effective in my role in business development.

What have you enjoyed about this apprenticeship?

I’ve enjoyed understanding the theory learning from college and I am able to relate this to the small team in which I work. It’s given me the opportunity to embed and build creative initiatives and  ideas to help promote Q3.

With my new-found confidence I’ve also enjoyed meeting people, both internally and externally. I have enjoyed attending college sessions as part of this apprenticeship, as it has enabled me to meet a range of people from different sectors and backgrounds, broadening my horizon on what business development looks like in other sectors.

I meet with my tutor Andrea regularly, and I have found these sessions of great benefit as I get feedback on my work so that I can continue to develop within my role.

What do you hope the apprenticeship will do for you?

I am hoping this apprenticeship opens a lot of future opportunities that match my skill set. I am hoping it solidifies my knowledge of the whole corporate world, by understanding the FM sector and how business development will continue to be a central part of Q3 future success. While Q3 is my employer of choice, I have a great love of football and I have an aspiration to combine my passion for the game with some kind of business development role in that sector.

Another aspiration is potentially being involved in sales within the football industry – understanding market value and spotting trends that could be translated effectively into revenue to help grow a football club.

Paul Courtney – Apprentice profile

We’re in conversation with Paul Courtney, an HR advisor, working as part of the central team at Q3. Paul is currently studying for the CIPD Level 5 Associate Diploma in People Management.

What have you learnt so far from this apprenticeship?
From completing the apprenticeship, I have found that my confidence and the understanding of employment law has grown, which has enabled me to speak to my HR Director more proactively in bringing any concerns to their attention with problem solutions to make changes and improve our services to the business. The apprenticeship has been balanced well with the delivery and what I am completing at work. Within our sector, we will often mobilise or demobilise teams through TUPE. This meant that I was able to combine knowledge from college, with practical experience through working with my Director in a practical manner.

What have you enjoyed about this apprenticeship?
I have really enjoyed embedding the new knowledge of this apprenticeship into my workplace. I struggled initially and I would find myself second guessing my guidance and support to both managers and employees on a range of HR subjects. However, the apprenticeship has taught me to step back and reflect more often. Another benefit of this apprenticeship for me, is it has supported me to build my own network of People Professionals from other sectors to gain insight and of course to ask those silly questions!

What do you hope the apprenticeship will do for you?
I came from the education sector (post 16), where I would be working with teams from a range of sectors who were supporting their own learners through an apprenticeship. So, for me, it felt strange to be on my own apprenticeship journey. I hoped that by completing my own apprenticeship, it would give me wider knowledge base and understanding on the employment differences between the education sector and my new sector of Facilities Management. As the business continues to grow, I would like to think I would be capable to step up into a HR Manager role.

Thanks Paul.

Apprentices – the next generation

Employing and developing the right people is the the key to success in any FM business and apprenticeships is a fundamental part of that strategy.

Those of you who are familiar with Q3 will know that our company name directly reflects our company values. The three Qs represent Quality people, Quality service and Quality workplaces, and are the foundation of our value proposition. These three values are totally intertwined of course, because without quality people Q3 can never expect to deliver quality services or create quality workplaces.

That’s why we place such great emphasis on finding the right people and creating the kind of environment where they can develop and flourish, both professionally and personally. Our apprenticeship programme is an important part of that strategy, providing the seed corn for the next generation of quality Q3 people.

Q3 currently has six apprentices who have taken the steps to further develop themselves within the sector and pursue their career aspirations. Although we are an FM business where you might expect the focus to be on trade apprenticeships, we have quite a diverse spread of apprenticeships in non-traditional areas, including HR, Finance, Sales and Team Leadership. We’re constantly encouraging employees to consider apprenticeships and have two new additions joining in the new Year.

Over the next few weeks, we will be celebrating the progress of the individuals who are part of our apprenticeship programme, to discover what they are gaining from the investment and how it is helping their career progression. We will also be talking to some of the managers and clients involved, to understand their roles in supporting the people in the programme. The consensus is that the apprenticeships have not only broadened the knowledge of the participants, but also boosted their confidence and independence, allowing them to accept greater responsibility, challenge the status quo and seek out more innovative solutions in their day-to-day activities.

First up, will be Paul Courtney who is pursuing the CIPD Level 5 Associate Diploma in People Management qualification.

Understanding your market and knowing the “sweet-spot”

Alex Gavrilovic Explains How Covid19 Changed Q3's Approach To Cleaning

It’s as important to know if you are right for your client, as it is for the client to know you are right for them!

Director Alex Gavrilovic gives us his views on the changing face of client-provider relationships and how it pays to really know who your friends are.

“In the last year or so, I believe that market attitudes have changed in relation to the kind of FM provider clients are looking for. At Q3, we have certainly noticed a difference, and the whole shift revolves around the question of value. Not value in respect of whether the client believes they are getting value for money from the contract, but whether the client actually feels valued by their supplier.

“This changing mood has been to the benefit of Q3, because many clients are choosing to look away from the big market FM companies to smaller businesses who will not only pay them that attention, but also truly value their custom. Clients realise that they will get a better flexibility and higher levels of service from the smaller players because the client’s business is so much more important to those contractors.

“It’s also more likely that the contract will run smoothly and efficiently because the whole arrangement is built on direct, personal communication and high levels of trust. Clients draw confidence from this personal relationship, knowing that they can contact someone with the knowledge and authority to act and respond quickly and efficiently.

“In FM, experience is everything when forging a successful new business relationship. The Q3 senior team has hundreds of years of combined experience in the FM sector, across small, large and complex FM contracts. We know the business and are realistic about our ability to meet the requirements a client lays out in its tender documents, in terms of what’s deliverable, where we can excel and where the bigger competitors may struggle to perform. And because as a business we have always collectively tried to put clients first and centre in the process, experience has taught us to recognise the kind of client with whom we know we can work successfully. It’s what we at Q3 call the “sweet spot” and we’re getting better and better at recognising and delivering the winning formula.

“We are open and honest about our proposed FM solution, tailoring it to the specific needs of the client, their sector needs and geographical challenges. The final solution will reflect that. We may blend direct delivery with a supply-chain managed solution if that’s what we believe will work best and most cost-effectively. And if that sounds like a managing agent approach, it isn’t – where’s the value add in that arrangement? It’s more FM service integration, but unique in each contract deployment we create.

“With data and technology now underpinning FM services in virtually every contract, it’s important that the client is not constricted by the supplier’s choice of CAFM system and data repository imposed on them by the incumbent. Too often these days, when a contract ends, the supplier just walks away, closes the CAFM system and exports its contents onto an excel spreadsheet. This is of virtually no use to the client or the unfortunate contractor who takes over. Q3, through its Pulse technology system, provides all the benefits expected from a cutting-edge CAFM system during the duration of the contract, but at the end, the data and the IP remains with the client, thus ensuring continuity.

“When I started in FM, stability and familiarity used to be important in the relationship built between FM provider and client but recently, because there’s a steady churn of personnel in the industry, this continuity no longer exists. So, from the first client meeting to the contract award, and beyond, we always try to ensure that the client will meet the same team made up of subject-matter experts, that are relevant to that contract. The relationship building starts from day one and continues beyond mobilisation.

“I believe that this ability for both client and FM provider to recognise their best-fit partner, will become increasingly important in future tender processes. On more than one occasion recently client feedback has told us that Q3 won the business because of non-quantifiable metrics such as, “You totally get us” and “You have a great cultural fit”. It’s part of an emotional dimension of the purchasing decision that goes beyond regular PQQ measures of capability, financial security, experience in the sector and track record.

“There are a host of areas where in future, clients will be looking for suppliers with close cultural fit to go over and above the delivery of basic services and provide the value-add. For example, working with the client to create workplace environments and that encourage people back to the workplace and retaining talent. Similarly, customer experience is becoming huge, so being able to incorporate the personal touch through concierge and hotel management techniques becomes increasingly important.”

Red carpet reception for Q3

Q3 wins a new three-year contract with a high-end, boutique, entertainment destination chain
Q3 CEO, Martyn Freeman at one of the venues.











Q3 Services is pleased to announce that it has secured a contract with a high-end, boutique, entertainment destination chain, providing a range of cleaning and hygiene services over a three-year period.

Q3 will be managing many of the organisation’s prestige, high-street sites in the south of England, the Midlands, and Wales. FM delivery is a key factor in ensuring the highest standards of cleanliness and presentation are maintained consistently across the portfolio, thus contributing positively to the exclusive customer experience.

Commenting on the win, CEO Martyn Freeman said, “We are delighted to have won this specialised contract and look forward to helping our client deliver the high-quality user experience for which they are renowned.”